Midlife Fulfilled Podcast: Thriving in Life, Career, and Leadership.

Ep 197 You Can Harness the Power of Purpose in Midlife Career Resilience

Season 3 Episode 197

In episode 197, Bernie shares an 'On My Mind' episode with five key takeaways from his conversation with Mark Daley on episode 196. 

Mark is embarking on a new career journey in his sixties. Bernie shares five takeaways from Mark's inspiring story. 

In the opening of the podcast Bernie asks you to listen to all five takeaways because they all fit together.  

The fifth takeaway is Bernie's main takeaway, which is captured in this episode's title. This takeaway is the accumulation of takeaways 1 through 4. 

Don’t get too caught up in the details of the ROLM story. Maybe you think it’s interesting and maybe you don’t. This story is about being resilient and chasing a dream in this phase of your life, whether or not it is in your career. 

Mark has commitment. He has a purpose. He found his why. And, he’s going after it. He knows what he wants, why he wants it and he is determined to achieve it.  

What about you? What dream do you have that you want to chase? Are you listening to naysayers? Are you letting the voice in your head talk you out of it? Has someone suggested that you don’t have enough runway, as was suggested to Mark? 

I encourage you to use Mark Daley’s story to get motivated to chase your dream.

It doesn’t have to be an entrepreneurial dream. It doesn't even need to be career-related. If it is career-related, it can be a dream in your current place of employment or in your business.

If you’re a business leader, consider how your employees have their own dreams. Are you encouraging them to chase their dreams? Consider how powerful this motivation can be for your employees. It has the power to reignite a fire, a passion, a new level of energy that can be extremely fulfilling for them and with great impact on your business.

If you’re a business leader in search of doing this with your employees, get in touch with me. I want to help you ignite a fire for your employees in your business.

Download the Health and Fitness Motivation Workbook here.

Connect with Mark Daley

Connect with Bernie Borges
Email: bernie@midlifefulfilled.com

Music attribution:
Old Bossa Twin Musicom

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