Midlife Fulfilled Podcast: Thriving in Life, Career, and Leadership.

Ep 220 How to Lead Without a Title at Work and in Life

Bernie Borges Season 3 Episode 220

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Episode 220 is an 'On My Mind' episode about leadership. Not the conventional meaning of leadership. In this episode I unpack how leadership isn’t about a position or a title—it’s about influence. It’s about how you show up, how you inspire others, and how you take responsibility for making a difference.

You can lead anywhere—at work, in your family, or in your community.

💡Leading At work – You don’t need to be a manager to be a leader. When you take initiative, support others, and bring a positive attitude, you’re leading.

💡 Leading At home – Families need leadership too. Whether you’re a parent, a sibling, or a relative, or a dear friend of a family, you can lead through encouragement, connection, and accountability.

💡 Leading In your community – Leadership isn’t about prestige; it’s about service. Volunteering, mentoring, or simply bringing people together—these are all acts of leadership.

As we move through the decades, our values evolve, and our self-awareness deepens. Life prepares us to lead in ways we couldn’t before. With experience and wisdom, we’re in a unique position to lead with authenticity and purpose.

My challenge to you: Where can you lead today? What opportunities to lead are right in front of you? Leadership isn’t about a title—it’s about stepping up, right where you are.

If you want to go deeper on this, read the blog post: Leadership Doesn't Require a Title https://midlifefulfilled.com/leadership-doesnt-require-a-title/ 

Transform your workplace through Bernie's:
Fulfillment Centric Leadership™ Framework https://midlifefulfilled.com/speaking/ 

Connect with Bernie Borges
LinkedIn @bernieborges
Instagram @bernieborges
Email: bernie@midlifefulfilled.com
Get in touch with Bernie to:
Explore corporate licensing of the Thriving in Midlife report.
Explore a tailored presentation or workshop on Fulfillment Centric Leadership™.

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Music attribution:
Old Bossa Twin Musicom

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